Read more about the article Blades of Grass
The Blades of Grass scene is the first where Delita shows his ambitions and his anger at his powerlessness, after which Tietra's death will set everything in motion.

Blades of Grass

The Blades of Grass scene is the first where Delita shows his ambitions and his anger at his powerlessness, after which Tietra's death will set everything in motion. As human beings, we are naturally driven to pursue our ambitions and strive towards achieving our goals. Whether it's personal or professional,…

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Actually, it’s theists who believe in nothing, quite fervently

One of the reasons we atheists have to be loud and assertive is that we are floating alone in a vast sea of ignorance. Case in point: here is an artist who has obviously never met an atheist. I am expressing my feeling towards the very Idea of Atheism. I almost…

Continue ReadingActually, it’s theists who believe in nothing, quite fervently