I’ve learned to live half alive

I have learned not to expect anything because expecting something is only setting yourself up for disappointment. I continuously make the wrong decisions when I’m actually trying to do the right thing. Sometimes I feel like I only hurt the people around me, and I believe everything happens for a reason, and clearly somewhere I went wrong. I worry all the time. But the one thing I will always try to be, and will always go out of my way to be, is a good person.

Nathan Sparrow

Technology is my passion. I see and think things differently. Social media fascinates me. We have all seen it evolve, and I for one have tried to be part of it every step of the way. For years now I’ve had a heavy interest in the science, the majestic of the cosmos and thus my love for astrophotography was born. I grew up with 8-bit computers and have been using Linux for years now. Android is my mobile OS of choice and had saved me from the boredom of iOS years ago and I’ve loved every minute of it. As a big reader and writer nothing pleases me more than to write about the exciting world of Android and technology as a whole. My technical strengths include computer hardware and software, web development, networking and mobile phones.

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